Friday, May 11, 2007

The House of Blue Lights-Not

It's Texino,

I was thinking that "damed lies" might not be the best of blog titles, especially if one wanted to be taken seriously. I want people to take me seriously, so with this in mind I went to blogspot's HQ to apply for a different name. The name I chose was "The House of Blue Lights" which as everyone should know is a line from a song by (Little) Richard Penneman of Macon, GA.
The "House..." is where one can find Miss Molly (who sure likes to ball) "from the early early morning to the early early night."
At any rate, it sounds like prime Texino habitat. Alas, it is not to be, for some other blogster has captured it. Now I could have some variation like Texino's House of Blue Lights, but I don't want to confuse things and since I lie constantly, I suppose "damned lies" will have to do. Who knows? Maybe the existing "House..." might belong to (little) Richard himself. I'm a big fan of his and since we are contemporaries, I hope that he will live for a good while. BTW, Richard is not especially small. They called him little Richard because he was young when he hit the charts.

So on with the "lies." Not much to report because one of the animals who lives here died this week. His name is Snook and he was a kitty cat. An old kitty, but I had not expected him to pass. I was told by a neighbor that he was lying a bit up the road and when I went to fetch him home he was pointed that way and looked like he just lay down and died. I was really broken up over it too. Old Snook had been with me through some times and I guess maybe I had some other things to let loose of, so I just cried until I felt better. I laid him a proper grave. Cosmo and Desmond came out in the back and acted an honor guard while I filled the hole and put a nice chunk of granite there to discourage any grave robbers. I have had some real good cats.

Last week, I got the notion I could read a book by just placing it on my chest. Turned out to be the result of fever. I have Malaria. Positive for TB too. I am pretty much confined to dating girls from the local tribes. They understand the JU JU of those diseases. Too bad because I have been told I am good looking. Oh well, it comes, it goes and sometimes it just vanish.


Editor said...

I think "Damned Lies" is one of the best blog titles ever. Seriously.

Editor said...

I am very sorry to hear about the passing of Snook. :-(