Your modern P trap can be handled by simply unscrewing the plastic nuts an making sure you have something to catch any excess water remove the U shaped part and take it out sir and run a hose though it till it is clear. Then replace the washers and put it back together. They sell all the stuff at the hardware store and a P trap replacement is pretty much a one trip deal. Some of you may have a chrome plated brass P trap. It will be held in place by nuts but they will take a monkey wrench or slip joint pliers to get loose. They may have washers, but teflon tape is a must here. Just wrap some around the threads and you will not have to over tighten the nuts and damage the washers. It is important to understand that when you see mental pipes you may be dealing with professional plumbing which is hard work and requires special tools. So be prepared to make at least three trips to the hardware store if metal is involved, and you might as well get a couple of things to keep handy. One, a water shutoff tool. Its a metal bar with a t handle that lets you shut off the water at you meter because you various valves are probably corroded and if you break one it will be easy to fix if the water is not spraying all over.
You also need two pipe wrenches, a gee flash or work light, some kind of propane torch and a big long lighter for relighting water heaters. Those things and a tool for undoing the plastic nuts on flexible supply tubing for toilets and sinks and you are ready to plumb. You would be surprised what you can do. I got my dual sinks draining like Niagara falls and in only cost me .29 cent for each washer. Less that $5.
So even if you are suffering from strange medication changeover. Don forget. Fixing stuff is what we are good at, so before you spend huge money ask me or just google what you want to do and do it.
Thanks, Texino! Now I know how to fix my drains- call you.
Be sure to don low cut hip hugger trousers before tackling any plumbing project so as to affect the authentic "plumber's crack" look.
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